Improving Your CRM to Benefit Marketing

Improving Your CRM - Benefit MarketingImproving Your CRM to Benefit Marketing; how is it done? Succeeding in your business requires loyalty from customers, brand loyalty. When you build a customer relationship, it is extremely important to retain that customer and acquiring feedback is a great way to start.

Finding balance between their requests of your time and products and your business profits can sometimes be “fickle”. Your CRM helps you build a relationship with your customers and the marketing strategies involve not only new potential leads but also your current existing customers. Marketing to existing customers should play a major role in your everyday business development.

Creating a Word Of Mouth Frenzy

In the world we live in today, more people spend at least some part of their day on some sort of tech devices. It could be their computer, tablet/iPad, or smartphone (are they really that smart?). Word of mouth has and probably always will play a major role in the decision making process when it comes to what and where a purchase is to be made. Word of Mouth advertising is still the fastest and most effective means of marketing your business; especially locally.

It also provides the highest ROI (Return on Investment). Word of Mouth can come in many forms including personal recommendations, feedback forums, online reviews, local articles, and more. Any conversations that occur will always provide some form of information valuable to your marketing research. Be sure to record the most valued interactions in your CRM software which will result in improving your CRM.

Always Remain Honest – Improving Your CRM

When you call somewhere, do you easily get frustrated when you have to talk to some phone robot or a recording providing you the standard push 1, push 2 etc? Or even worse, the robots that ask you what you are calling about but don’t understand what you say? Arrghhh, so frustrating! Standout from those companies and provide your customers with peace of mind. Allow them to be greeted over the phone by a live human being. The benefits outweigh using a robot by a massive margin. You consume less of their valuable time and decrease response time for them.

This creates a trust in the relationship they have with your company as they feel valued. Honesty should always be used with the customer, even when it may not have a desired effect. The customer will appreciate the honesty and upfront responsiveness of your position. When customers are wrong, and believe me, they will be, you should always be respectful and kind. Contrary to what some believe, customers are not always right. Understanding this process will put your business on the path of improving your CRM.

No matter what interaction takes place from above, everything should be recorded in the CRM software. This will allow you to track client interactions and their patterns. This would include customers that tend to complain often or have phoned about the same problem numerous times. What does this have to do with marketing?

When you create any marketing campaign, you can include additional information in the form of FAQ’s, (Frequently Asked Questions) or include solutions to common issues you see in your new marketing materials. In addition, these customers who do phone you are your number one selling team and your sales force needs attention at all times.

Keeping Track of Customers and Prospects

Every single customer needs to be registered in your CRM software which includes each and every conversation or interaction. This information will be key to creating any marketing campaign that will target your desired audience correctly. This recording of information will also be beneficial to your client care when someone contacts you. The result would be improving your CRM! A client care representative can assist a customers inquiry more effectively if they have a history to refer to. This client profile should be an ever growing organism and continually maintained and added to which will be improving your CRM.

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