Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing CanadaSocial Media Marketing can and will benefit your business in many different ways. It creates visibility for your business or organization. This online methodology of sharing information has reached epidemic proportions worldwide. FVWD’s social media marketing services harness this power for your business, for your organization.

The world is receiving information at a per second basis and the majority of that information is shared digitally. With just a couple of clicks, anyone can access information about anything, anywhere, anytime!

There are many benefits of social media marketing but do you know what is best for your business? Some businesses can benefit far more from one social media format then another. So many social platforms exist and more pop up each day. We can help you work through the cluster of social media platforms and discover the best for your business.

Many ask if they should have a website in addition to their social media presence. The answer is always YES! You can harness the power of Social Media for your website and increase your exposure 10 fold through our social strategies.


Building Relationships – Social Media Marketing

When comparing to traditional forms of marketing, social media is unsurpassed. Your reach is instant, engagement instant, and your audience is essentially endless. At a fraction of the cost, developing a strong social strategy can increase your bottom line exponentially.

Build client relationships in real time; instil trust and develop a pipeline for future customers. Running a social media campaign can create so many underlying benefits to your business. From Articles, Images, and Video, these are all marketable as separate entities on a variety of different social platforms. Harnessing the power of these different social platforms can generate the traffic for your website that will also help your SEO strategies. Yes, everything is interconnected and developing a lead generation for future sales comes naturally.

FVWD Enterprises knows that there are many amazing benefits to social media. It is a great tool for all businesses because it allows for your website to start gaining visibility immediately at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Additionally it provides a platform for instant engagement with your audience. Social media helps you build rapport, relationships and trust with current and future customers.

Social Media In Your Business

Primarily an image based platform, but has become one of the most dominant social media platforms out there. Sharing not only great imagery, but relaying messages, promoting products and even services. Instagram is part of the Facebook family so integrating the two has become a massive time saver for Social Media Marketers everywhere.

One of the oldest social platforms out there. Over the years Facebook has changed the way it relays and shares information. Many of the barriers they face have been implemented by US Congress in the wake of Privacy Issues. (yes, we know, it doesn’t really make sense to us)

Facebook has many benefits and marketing components for you to utilize. Groups, Pages, Shopping, and so much more. Want to know about something specific, ask us!

Pinterest is a platform we recommend for almost every business. We work with clients in developing a Pinterest strategy. Want to know more? Be sure to contact us about our Pinterest Social Media Marketing strategies.

Do you have videos to promote your products or services? Well, they should live on YouTube. You can feed them to pretty much any platform from YouTube so this is the best way to manage them. Video is very powerful and provides you several benefits, especially with SEO.

Want to share quick news? Product Updates? Perhaps Twitter is for you. Smaller posts that just seem to be moving quicker than you can see them. This is more focussed following social media for those seeking specific content. Twitter Social Media Marketing is also valuable to your SEO strategy.

Articles. If you have a blog, you need to be on Tumblr. Your social media marketing strategy should include Tumblr if you are in the business of providing information through article writing.

Every social media marketing strategy is different as is every organization. The benefits in general are the same when it comes to exposure and traffic.

Want to learn more about Social Media Marketing or how to get started using Social Media to benefit your business? Contact us and learn how to harness the power of Social Media today.

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